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Hexagon Kaleidoscope Quilt using a Panel

Available by request

Class Description

To request this class, send an email to You will use seven copies of the same panel to make this quilt. One will be used for the center of the quilt and you will use the other six to make your kaleidoscope hexagons. To simplify the long process of cutting triangles for the hexagons, you can choose to have me cut the triangles with an AccuQuilt die cutter (cost $10). If you choose to cut your own triangles, use PROMO CODE: CutMyself when purchasing the class) This is a four-session class: Part 1: Session 1a: 5-hour class session • Align your panels and cut into rectangles for cutting on die cutter Session 1b: 3-hour open workshop • Begin to piece together your triangles into half-hexagons Homework: Between Session 1b and 2a, complete making your half-hexies Part 2: Session 2a: 5-hour class session • Design your quilt top and begin sewing together your hexagons in columns Session 2b: 3-hour open workshop • Continue to sew your columns and learn to piece the columns together so you can complete your project at home.

Upcoming Classes

Class Location

  • Alexandria

    Alexandria, VA, USA

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